Friday, May 30, 2008

Slowly but Surely

Since the launch of my website in April, I've had a good amount of sales already. Not too much but just enough for me to handle for now and I'm very thankful for that. It's been very tough juggling my full time job, taking care of my 18 month old baby girl, doing house chores, and being pregnant. If it wasn't for your feedbacks, encouragements, AND sales, I wouldn't have spent as much time doing what I really enjoy. Making jewelry is for me, which is my way of unwinding at the end of a hectic day. Thanks for allowing me to keep my hobbies at work!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a sweet message. Glad to hear that your clients appreciate your work...hope your entire family--even the newbie, appreciates and is inspired by you and all that you do. Hang in there!