This is my favorite room in the house. I've got everything I need to be creative in there... that includes my tiny 6 inch TV. Sometimes, I would just sit there without doing anything and that makes me feel productive...
I love to draw, although I don't get to do it as often as I would like to since my years in college. I always thought, when I was living in a studio in the city, that one day when I own a house, I would designate a room for painting. But now that we have a house, my priority has changed. We have to make rooms for our babies first. In the meantime, I'm happy I get to do it little bit for work.
Congratulations, Richard and Jenn! You guys were stunning! My faithful friend, Eura wore one of my early creations called, Blushing Audrey Necklace. Doesn't she look gorgeous?
I work on trend presentations a lot for work and one of the strongest trends is still the green movement. This is one of art works I did to inspire our clients.
I made these for my good friend Jenn who's getting married in a couple of weeks. She's been one of my faithful clients ever since I started the business. Congratulations again, Jenn! See you at the wedding!~